become a partner with me in my ministry.

Your partnership will help me focus on ministry and becoming an effective instrument in God's toolbox.

See below for instructions.

How to Donate:

When you click "Donate", you will be taken to BCM's website where you are able to select the: 

  • Amount

  • Frequency

  • Payment Type

When Choosing "Payment Type" select "eCheck" to avoid paying a percentage transaction fee when you donate (However, this still includes an option to cover the flat rate of $0.30 for the transaction).

-In the box that reads, “Choose your designation*” type in: “Hanchett

- my support fund number and name will show up like this: “19441 – Hanchett Evelina

Then click the blue box that says, “Give Now” to complete the process by entering your info. Thank you so much for your partnership and do not forget to sign up for my newsletter for regular updates on ministry!

ways to partner in ministry


...for passionate & faithful workers to join our team

...that in all we do, our global workers will be blessed and Christ’s name is glorified



Support the work BCM does worldwide.

See instructions below.


Reach out to me or BCM International if you think the Lord is calling you into this kind of ministry