global workers are in need of our care.

“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

a few statistics…


is spent on recruiting, preparing, launching, and sustaining a ministry worker on the field for the first four years (1)

global workers per month leave the field due to burnout (2)



of missionaries suffer from depression, which is 500% higher than the general US population! (3)

1/3 of all missionaries leave within their first decade for reasons that could have been prevented (4)

our ministry at bcm

BCM International is blessed to have over 850 faithful workers in more than 55 countries. Our goal is to build a team that will focus on caring for full time workers, spending time with them and their children, getting to know their needs, and providing for those needs to the best of our ability. We hope to create a vision for this ministry, assist in building these teams, and help facilitate a structure that will help missionaries lean on each other.

Our ultimate goal is to see our global workers rejuvenated and spiritually fortified, ready to tackle the challenges ahead and play a vital role as servants in God's Kingdom.

you can care for missionaries, too!


...for passionate & faithful workers to join our team

...that in all we do, our global workers will be blessed and Christ’s name is glorified



Support the work BCM does worldwide.


Reach out to me or BCM International if you think the Lord is calling you into this kind of ministry

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

galatians 6:10